About Me

ashayo_veganWelcome to my journey of all things vegan! I will be sharing my recipes, experiences, thoughts and ideas. Feel free to join in and invite a friend. We will walk this journey together 👊🏽

I have been Vegan for 5 years now. I started when I was diagnosed with Early-onset Type 2 diabetes. I had gestational diabetes during both of my pregnancies. Detected and undetected  I have two little ones I dedicate my lifestyle change to.  When my youngest was 2 I got a call back saying I was 80% likely to develop full-blown type 2 diabetes.  I also suffered with PCOS and many other health ailments. This started me in search of a healthier lifestyle. I stumbled across the 30 day Vegan Challenge. I decided to give it a try, since I was already a self proclaimed chef. Preparing the meals was fun and easy. After 30 days I was 16 pounds lighter and had a new found respect for vegetables. Still I reverted back to my old ways shortly after.  Towards the end of that year I wanted a change I had been longing for the clean feeling I felt when I went Vegan. I vowed to give it another shot. Since then it hasn’t always been easy and I’ve stumbled along the way. But this lifestyle is here to stay!!

Follow my journey here!!